What is the National Exercise Referral Scheme?
The National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS) is a Welsh Government (WG) funded scheme which has been in development since 2006 to standardise exercise referral opportunities across all local authorities and Local Health Boards in Wales.
The Scheme is funded by Public Health Wales and working in partnership with the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), local authorities, Welsh Government and Local Health Boards. It targets clients who are at risk of developing chronic disease providing an opportunity for referrals to access a high quality supervised exercise programme to improve health
and wellbeing.
Aimed at those over 16 years of age, who are not used to being regularly physically active and have a medical condition, the Scheme is designed to provide opportunities to exercise that are fun, rewarding and that can be incorporated into everyday life.
What does the Scheme consist of?
There are a wide range of activities both gym based and class based to choose from for patients that have been through rehabilitation programmes. You will be able to access a wide range of opportunities and these will be available between 4 and 48 weeks of the programme (depending on medical condition).
Activities across Wales consist of:
- Gym Sessions
- Gentle Exercise Classes
- Swimming
- Zumba
- Yoga
- Aerobics
- Walking
- Pilates
- COPD Classes
- Cardiac Classes
- Strength and Balance
- Aquafit
What are the benefits?
The benefits of being more active are:
weight management;
reduce blood pressure;
reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes;
reduce the risk of some cancers;
reduce stress and anxiety;
improve mental and social wellbeing;
increase energy;
improve strength, mobility, coordination and balance; and
improved health and wellbeing.
How do I access the Scheme?
If you feel that you would benefit from the scheme, are 16 and over and are suitable to join then you need to speak to your GP/practice nurse/health professional about being referred. Your GP or practice nurse will complete a referral form and provide you with a copy.
Your responsibility on the scheme
Update your Exercise Professional of any changes in your health status or medications
Adhere to the activity programme advised by your Exercise Professional
Attend a minimum of two activity sessions per week and complete the 16 week programme
Individuals are unable to be re-referred to the Exercise Referral Scheme for 2 years to allow others the opportunity to participate
The Exercise Referral Team is here to help you achieve your goals within physical activity and are able to offer advice and assistance.
For more information please contact NERS Project Co-ordinators:
Lisa Jones / Claire Jones
Margam Country Park
Pass Office (NERS)
Margam Park
Port Talbot
SA13 2JT
Tel: 01639 861144
Email: l.jones9@npt.gov.uk / c.m.jones1@npt.gov.uk