
The Celtic Leisure Learn to Swim Pathway is now following the Swimming Teacher’s Association (STA) International Learn to Swim programme.

Here at Celtic Leisure, we will now be following the International Learn to Swim Programme (ILSP) devised by the Swimming Teachers’ Association (STA).

It is an exciting, motivational and progressive awards programme which rewards ourswimmers with colourful badges and certificates.

ASA to STA Conversion Guidelines

The table below provides a guideline from ASA National Plan for Teaching Swimming (NPTS) to the STA International learn to Swim Programme (ILSP).

Please visit the STA Website were you can find a more detailed explination of what you or your child will be able to achieve for each stage.

Baby Dolphins Foundation 1Starfish 1-3
Baby Dolphins Foundation 2Starfish 4-6
DucklingsSTAnley 1 & 2
Advanced DucklingsSTAnley 3
Stage 1Octopus 1
Stage 2Octopus 3
Stage 3Goldfish 1
Stage 4Goldfish 3
Stage 5Angelfish 1
Stage 6Shark 1
Stage 7Shark 3
Progression NLCAdvanced BSG
Club Potential PSPAdvanced PSP
Adult LessonsAdult series 2,3,4

Your child will automatically convert over from their current stage to the equivalent STA level and their progress through the level will continue.

Don’t forget, you can track your child’s achievements within each level via our ‘Learn 2 home portal’ or contact your local swimming pool.